Well it's only been a month since I've updated. Things are busy here. Or they're coming off of being busy. Millie is now 6 months old and is almost crawling. Gracie full of first grade attitude. We're off for the week, so that's a nice break. Grace spent the weekend with Mawmaw, so that was nice. Craftwise, sewingwise, the only thing I've done is make a baby sling for my cousin's baby shower. I have a blanket started for her, but I haven't gotten to finish it yet. Millie is totally awesome and I love holding her, but it limits what I can do with my hands - and I'm sure she'd love to get her hands on yarn. 
Since there will be no more babies, I've turned my attention to sprucing up the house a bit. I'm starting with the bathroom because it's small and I can probably get it at least painted this week. I'm going for a darkish gray on the cabinets and a light gray on the walls because the tile is a greengray and pink. I can't do anything about that, but I can paint walls and cabinets. I'm going to make a curtain for the faux window thing in there. I'm going to try to find a frame for the mirror to make it look better. Wait for the dog to die to replace the bath mat. Replace the ugly cheap faucet with something prettier. Not sure what - I'm really bad at decorating, so I'm doing one thing at a time to see what goes. I have big plans for the kitchen - all summer vegetable colors. Yum! It'll be a while, money and time being what it is.
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