Gracie at Oscar Max's Birthday
Gracie eating Daddy's birthday cake
The dress Ellen finally had to let her keep to get her to leave :(
Gracie just read us "Brown Bear, Brown Bear." Maybe not read, but she went through the pages and told us the story. It was really neat. Last night she wrote something that looked very much like her name, so we told her to put it on the refridgerator. Not we have several papers she deemed were important enough to put on the refridgerator. She's so funny about some things.
I had planned for us to go to the game on Friday. She had gone to Maw-maw's and didn't want to go. I was pretty upset about that. It's not often that there are special things that we can go to together, but she can stay at Maw-maw's anytime. It probably won't come up again this year. Next week we're going to Arlington to see Scott's parents and to go to the Aggie v Arkansas game up there. It should be fun.
It's Sunday and I have a fever. I think I'm going to try to stay in bed most of today. We'll see how that goes. Scott volunteered to take Sunday School duty for me. It's sad that the prospect of spending all day in bed makes me so happy. Even if I have to feel bad while I'm here. I'll try some Tamiflu and see how I feel tomorrow.
I think I've been a little depressed lately. It seems like there isn't going to be another baby this year. I'm disappointed about that. I don't know if Gracie will be it for us or not. I do know that God's plans are not my plans and if He plans for us to have a baby, we will, planned or not. I just hate surprises. I'm looking forward to next summer, planning for the LWML convention in Austin; other things I didn't think (want) to plan because I thought I'd be having a baby. So we're just enjoying Gracie, trying to raise her the best way we can. I'm thinking of looking into baby ballet for her this year or next year. It's hard to tell at her age what she'll be interested in in the future. Will she be a dancer in drill team? A band nerd? A soccer player? Volleyball, Softball? I can't wait to find out. We'll start looking into things for her to do, give her some new experiences.
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