My new across-the-hall teacher is also an Aggie and she brought the baby this A&M set and a cute outfit with a heart on the butt. |
I hadn't progressed much at my dr appt last Wednesday, so I'm scheduled to be induced on Tuesday, if I don't go into labor before then. It's Sunday already, so it isn't looking good :) That's ok, though. We'll be glad to have her when she gets here. I made Thursday my last day at work. Friday I went and paid the hospital, picked up Scott's FMLA paperwork and ran some other errands. Scott thinks he's going to spend 6 weeks home with me. I don't think that's a good idea. 3 weeks, maybe. Not 6. If he's home for 6 weeks, he's going to be working on the house. Painting rooms, fixing stuff, etc. He's rethinking his plans. I'm making my honey-do list. We had planned to go to the movies Friday, but the plumber finally came about the dishwasher and we didn't have time.
I took Gracie to school Friday and she was so thrilled. I think she's going to like having me home for awhile. Monday they're having a buy 1, get 1 free book sale at school, so we're going to go see what they have in the morning. She really wants me to walk her to school or walk her back, but even though it's not that far and walking is good, I don't think I'm up to it.
I had about 12 hours last week to sit and sew during testing, so I got a lot finished. There's still a lot to do, but I love it so far. |
This weekend was busy though. Friday evening I went and ate crawfish with my friend Michelle. Love crawfish - it was good. It would have been better if I could have had a beer with it, but I didn't. Saturday we had non-dress dance recital rehearsal. Grace doesn't know these dances as well as she has in past years. We got our tickets, did our thing and rushed to her soccer game. It had been raining a lot, but they still played and she made a goal - her first one ever. We were all so proud! My parents wanted to take her back with them, but I wanted to spend some more time with her, while it's just us. I know they will get her a lot this summer, but I want to be selfish now. She and Scott bathed the animals. She and I made her pancakes for supper and some for her breakfasts next week. She made paper hearts and was trying to figure out how to make paper snowflake. She went to bed on her own, which almost never happens. I guess it had been a long day.
My dad took vacation for Tuesday, and said they would take care of getting Grace to school that day, which is nice because we were trying to figure out how to be at the hospital 30 minutes before she had to be at school. I'm so wrapped up in myself and when this baby is coming I forget that others are really looking forward to her arrival too. I haven't felt the faintest twinge or anything. And now that I'm not working, I'm not having the Braxton-Hicks contractions as much. She is still moving around a lot mostly in the evenings. That is definitely her time. We still haven't picked a name, still to my husband's consternation. He said he was going to wait until I was incapacitated and name her Galadriel. Such a funny man.
Today Grace and I are going to go see my mother and let Scott sleep. Monday I would like to try to go see The Avengers while Gracie is at school. And then Tuesday we check in and everything will finally change for us. We can't wait!