It's a first world problem, so I'm not take this too seriously. Grace went to a one-morning cheerleader clinic last week. They are having the opportunity to cheer on the sidelines tonight. They have the option of wearing whatever cheer uniform they have or the camp t-shirt. Grace has been wanting a uniform for a long time, but we've (I've) resisted because it's silly. And expensive. And I didn't want to be one of "those" parents, which are famous within my district. BUT. I don't want her to be the only one down there with the t-shirt on. And she didn't have and shorts or capris to wear with it, etc, etc. So I spent my whole afternoon yesterday seeking out and acquiring a uniform, tank top to go under it and some shoes. She's thrilled - not smug or bratty - just thrilled. I'm the best momma ever - which I should be after getting soaking wet visiting 4 different stores just to get the uniform. I consulted my husband, who is a hard-ass as far as she is concerned, and he encouraged me to do it, so she has good memories of us during this time in her life, as we spend a lot of time getting onto her for one thing or another - just her age, really - but there's a lot of correction involved. So someone else's kid may be the only one down there with just the t-shirt. BUT I know she'll wear the uniform every Friday to school until it's too small, which should be in a few years. Anyway, I'm going to take her to the game tonight to watch her cheer. Her and Millie, by myself and they don't cheer until the 3rd quarter. Lord, help me! And Gracie and Millie and I have to go today and find something spirity for Millie to wear, since she's going too. It's just ridiculous. You know what else is ridiculous? I saw a baby A&M cheerleader (not authentic, since A&M doesn't have cheerleaders) for $5 that I'm going back to get today. I have to. It's too cute. It doesn't matter that she'll never wear it anywhere near a game. She's going to have it :)

Lord, help me. Hopefully I'll update later with some pics of this awesome sight. The whole family -minus Scott, since he's working - is going to the beach this weekend. We can't go until Sat afternoon because of soccer, but I can't wait. Though, I'll be grading papers that I didn't get to grade yesterday afternoon. Maybe someone will hold my baby for me. Worth it? Probably. I need to chill. :)