Friday, March 16, 2012

Baby shower

Owl diaper cake
The new baby's shower was  last weekend. I was blown away by the generosity of our family and friends. I'm still overwhelmed. I finally went through all of the bags and took pictures and put stuff away to be washed later. It was a beautiful day. I've been putting off posting pictures because I don't like how I look, but here is where I document things and this is an important event. I never used to be self-conscious about pictures, even when I was really heavy. Now it seems every picture of me looks like death. Something about my eyes or too gaunt face or what. I checked my make up before we went in and I looked fine in the mirror.  

Gracie and me. I don't know what's wrong with my face.

My parents got her the beautiful owl bedding. 

all of the owl blankets and sheets

Pretty and delicious cake

Grace had to be in the picture. 

hooded robe

onesie with a necklace built in

Sign for her door

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Petting zoo

We went to the Heritage Festival this week. Gracie had some shrimp and cotton candy. We visited the petting zoo, which normally squicks me out, but it was pretty cool. There was a freakin' kangaroo! And lemurs! 



Terrorist daddy - he needs to trim that up!

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Wednesday Spring Break

Our Wednesday didn't start out well. When we're out and about, Gracie is well-behaved. When we're at home, she's terrible. We did a mystery shop, went to HEB to get fruit, then came back home. Where she turned into a whiny, horrible little brat. I really didn't think we'd both survive today. We all went to do a lunch shop, then came home and I had a wonderful idea. It was a nice day, surprisingly. I wanted to sit outside, so I got Gracie to start a "collection" of stuff she found outside, then started a "nature notebook" after we came back inside to record her collection. That kept her busy for a long time today. 
Her collection in a glass (gasp) container. Fortunately she didn't break it. 

Her original notebook drawings. 

Snack and projects

After she went to town with stickers and glitter glue.
She's still whiny and now she wants to play with the baby's toys. While she was working, I did some cooking. I made my lunches for next week. I've made 2 pots of beans to freeze and cook with later. I made a roast for today and am working on yogurt. I bought a bag of potatoes at the store and made some mashed potatoes, gravy and a salad from my little lettuce plants. Yummy. 
We found out Gracie is anemic, which isn't a surprise considering that she doesn't eat much and eats a lot of junk. We're being more aware of her eating habits and promoting more meat and protein and healthy stuff. She actually had a good eating day today. She ate the egg from my breakfast sandwich, 6 donut holes (not that great), some yogurt, a lettuce taco, a banana, some grapes, mashed potatoes and meat. And some skittles. Poor baby. Playing outside was fun today. I got an honest-to-goodness sunburn and some Vitamin D. I hope tomorrow is nice too. I have a dr appt to talk about the ultrasound we did on Tuesday.

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Crochet blanket

It's getting bigger. I really need to finish it. I bought quilting needles for my sewing machine so I can finish the little quilt, so I can get started on one for a little boy. Maybe for my new nephew, but I also have another great crochet blanket pattern I want to do, so Brady may get a little quilt and his new brother may get a crochet one. We'll see how long it takes and what I'm motivated to do. Spring Break is next week and we don't have any big plans. A few dr appts, but it will just be Gracie and me. Joy! I need to enjoy our time together now.

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Baby bump

30 weeks

I'm finally starting to really show. I only have a few shirts that will cover the belly. We're still "discussing" names. 
Gracie has been an absolute turkey. I feel like a completely horrible mother, but I know she's going through a phase. We have to be consistent and patient and . . . But it's hard. She's defiant and belligerent and disrespectful. AND SHE'S ONLY 5! She spent most of Sunday evening in her room. Yesterday was better and tonight was better, but I can't wait until this phase passes. She wants to wallow all over me; she wants to cough and touch my face. I used to be the best mommy ever, but now she says I'm just mean.
She's becoming more independent, though. She wanted to make cookies and I wasn't ready, so she got out all of the ingredients and read the instructions and was ready when I was. Growing pains. . . 

Thursday, March 1, 2012

2-year surgiversary

2 years ago today I had gastric bypass surgery. It was kind of a big deal.
This is what I posted on this morning.
Today is my 2-year surgiversary. I lurk on here a lot and I've learned so much, so I wanted to post and give an update or some encouragement. I started @ 246; I ended @ 147. I maintained that for 6-7 months until I got pregnant. 147 on me was a size M; 8-10. I was happy there and feel confident that I can return there after the baby is born. I had the surgery at 31 because I wanted to have another baby - and we are. I haven't had any problems. I'm supplementing D3 and A and iron, but that's to be expected. I followed the low carb, good carb diet pretty strictly until I got pregnant and learned how to eat and what to eat. The surgery has been good for me - I hope it continues to be a life-long tool. I'm still the same person. My husband is still here and our marriage has been solid. My daughter is more cognizant of food and what (I) we eat. You spend a lot of time focused on food and protein and limits and goals, but then it becomes second nature on what to eat, what to buy, what to order. You'll mess up and your pouch will tell you about it, then it will go away and you'll do better next time. Hopefully next year's Mar. 1 post will be much the same :) Have a great spring!
That is all.   
Of course, now I'm eating those words. I ate a bowl of cereal and got sick tonight. Throw up sick, which I haven't been in awhile. Too much sugar, too many carbs. I think I took a nap too, which is going to mess with me tonight.
Gracie came home from school with a fever and wanted to take a nap. Hopefully she'll be able to go to school tomorrow. I know they're doing something for Dr. Seuss's bday.
She's also being a complete turkey, but my friend said it's because her brain is still in development. So we're going to be more patient. Because she is still our darling doll baby.
I'm still trying to figure out baby names. No luck!