Our Wednesday didn't start out well. When we're out and about, Gracie is well-behaved. When we're at home, she's terrible. We did a mystery shop, went to HEB to get fruit, then came back home. Where she turned into a whiny, horrible little brat. I really didn't think we'd both survive today. We all went to do a lunch shop, then came home and I had a wonderful idea. It was a nice day, surprisingly. I wanted to sit outside, so I got Gracie to start a "collection" of stuff she found outside, then started a "nature notebook" after we came back inside to record her collection. That kept her busy for a long time today.
Her collection in a glass (gasp) container. Fortunately she didn't break it. |
Her original notebook drawings. |
Snack and projects |
After she went to town with stickers and glitter glue.
She's still whiny and now she wants to play with the baby's toys. While she was working, I did some cooking. I made my lunches for next week. I've made 2 pots of beans to freeze and cook with later. I made a roast for today and am working on yogurt. I bought a bag of potatoes at the store and made some mashed potatoes, gravy and a salad from my little lettuce plants. Yummy.
We found out Gracie is anemic, which isn't a surprise considering that she doesn't eat much and eats a lot of junk. We're being more aware of her eating habits and promoting more meat and protein and healthy stuff. She actually had a good eating day today. She ate the egg from my breakfast sandwich, 6 donut holes (not that great), some yogurt, a lettuce taco, a banana, some grapes, mashed potatoes and meat. And some skittles. Poor baby. Playing outside was fun today. I got an honest-to-goodness sunburn and some Vitamin D. I hope tomorrow is nice too. I have a dr appt to talk about the ultrasound we did on Tuesday.
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