So my Lent observances are to do more spiritual stuff with Gracie - stuff I've totally been slacking on and getting out of my chair and doing stuff around the house - which is also not spending so much time on the computer. I researched some Lenten activities for us to do. I found a Jesus tree that has the schedule and everything here. So far, 2 days for 2 days. We've read the story and made (with paper and markers) the ornament. I still have to laminate them (at the end) and make some kind of tree, but Gracie is into it and so far so good. I also found a map here that we can follow along with and she can count down the days until Easter.
Another idea I liked is the one about earning jelly beans for doing good things or remembrances of Jesus' sacrifice. Gracie is getting into it too - trying to be more deliberate about not pitching fits or being kind. I really like that the white jelly beans are used to fill up the jar at the end of the season as God's grace.
Instead of our usual mid-week kid's time, our church is doing Lent services. I figured Gracie wouldn't want to go - I don't really want to take her and have to deal with her by myself, but she wanted to go and we're going. Maybe she won't want to next week - ha!
We've been reading her Bible books, but there isn't a lot of New Testament stories in them. I feel like we had plenty of religious books, but maybe not. Or maybe they are lost in the hole that is her room. Regardless, I'll get her more for Easter. She enjoys reading them to me and I need to spend that time with her.