Gracie and my mother at a church event. |
She's had some mystery maladies lately. Thursday she was sent home from school sick. The school nurse was so freaked out that the met Scott in the parking lot with her - no backpack or signing out or anything. She was complaining about weakness in her legs and her arms hurt and she started running a fever. Of course the dr was out that day, so Scott took her to the dr Friday and she ended up doing a chest x-ray to rule out pneumonia. It's been worrying and stressful, but she seems fine, except for the fever. My parents came over Thursday to check her out and I was trying to get her to tell us about her day, what she was feeling when. We were hanging on her every word, trying to figure out what was going on. Then she busts out with the fact that she isn't sleeping well because of daylight savings time. She lost our focus after that. She's so dramatic - it's hard to tell what's real for her and what's in her head. Arms and legs could be growing pains. But the fever - so she has antibiotics and hopefully that will resolve most of it.
Her latest saying is "Jesus is crying" when she thinks we're lying about something. It cracks me up, so we all say it to each other. Now Jesus cries in proximity to the person - Jesus is crying over there by daddy, etc. Hilarious and ridiculous. Her attitude is still so troublesome. She was in the shower screeching at Scott that he was crazy because he wouldn't build an outfit around a stretchy purple headband she found while cleaning her room. I miss my sweet little munchkin! Even she is saying that she's going through a phase and that it will end when she's 6. I HOPE SO!!!
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