It was a lot of fun. A great day!
My friend Joyce was able to go and it was nice to have someone to pal around with. We started with lunch with my sister, mom and Gracie then went to Houston. We started there @ the Galleria. I had a Victoria's Secret gift card and Joyce wanted pillows for her sleep number bed. Then we went to World Market, then to the Chocolate Bar. We had dinner @ this yummy place call
ed Cafe Ginger. I didn't get a picture of our complete meal, but here is about half way through. Yummy rolls and shrimp skewers for an appetizer.

Then we went to the book signing. It was very nice. The book store obviously has a lot of experience with these events. It was the first one they've hosted for a paranormal romance author, but it was well-attended. It was fun listening to the conversations about books and authors I actually read. Nalini Singh was really good too. She had a question and answer period and then signed the books. Of course my battery was dying in my camera so my actual pictures aren't all that great. But the experience was nice. She's the first person I've ever met in real life whose blog I read. All in all a great day!

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