We're just kinda hanging. G's doing much better with potty training. Hopefully she'll be there in a few more weeks. We've been going to the library several times a week. She's branching out into Little Einstein movies.
I heard Scott tell her last night that she couldn't eat like a dog. Daddy doesn't eat like a dog.
I tried to work out with a yoga video yesterday. She wanted to help. She made me stop in the middle of the video (the video continued, we just stopped) to read her a story. Then she spent the rest of the video either climbing on me in the poses or trying to get me closer to the floor to lie down with her. She even went to get pillows and blankets.
She calls herself "mama duck" and me "baby duck." That's been going on for about a month and it comes and goes. It's amazing what she retains and brings back out.
We cleaned up parts of her room yesterday. She liked me playing in there with her. Dressing baby dolls.
Scott's off next week. Hopefully that will give me time to catch up on school stuff before school starts back. And other things.
Friday, July 31, 2009
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
Wednesday was an eventful day. We started out at the park, showing Gracie how to fish. She wasn't very patient, so we fished about 10 minutes. Then we played on the playground for awhile. We wanted to go to the water park, but it was closed on Wednesdays. So we came back to Scott's parents house and blew up her little pool. Then we discovered we didn't bring her bathing suit. She has 12 bathing suits, but we didn't bring any of them. Maw-maw brought one back from the store, so she played in the pool for awhile.
We had her a birthday party tonight. Maw-maw's friend came over and put Clifford on her cake, so she had a Clifford cake after all. She received an assortment of toy tools including a drill and chain saw and tool kit. Also a lot of dress up cosumes and accessories from Aunt Katie.
Monday, July 20, 2009
Gracie Bday
We had planned to have Gracie's party on Sunday afternoon because of Mimi's vacation. Since Nana was in the hospital, we weren't planning on many people being there, which turned out to be the case. There were kids for Gracie to play with and that's all that counts.
My parents got her this swingset that she loves. She calls it a treehouse and tells everyone her paw-paw built it for her and she helped.
She got a baby jaguar from Hillary that she snatched up right away. We got her some Dora stuff. I've been telling her that she'll get babies for her bday, but she didn't. Hopefully maw-maw Wilson's party will have some babies. She got some great clothes and some books.
Now it's time to pack up for Arlington. We'll be gone a week. Should be fun!
Week update
Last week started out pretty quiet. Scott was still sick. Amanda and Todd were in Florida, which meant mom was at their house babysitting dogs. Tuesday G and I went to Tale of Despereaux at the movies and she was bad. She would't sit in her chair. It was disruptive and we left early. We met mom and played around in Bmt. That night we went to play Bunco at a church with their ladies. I had a lot of fun. Wednesday we went to see a show at the PN library. Scott was off, so we had a nice day. Thursday we went to see the mobile dairy at the Ned library. They had a cow in a trailer and he had a generator that milked it. It was pretty neat. Of course I didn't have my camera to take any pictures. We went to the park so she could feed the ducks - another no camera opportunity.
I noticed my door was closed and went to open it. I heard a voice telling me not to come in, but I did and this is what I found.
I'm not sure how she got in there, but her "baby wanted her to be in there with her." What a hoot.
Nana was put in the hospital Saturday, which has us all worried. Dad spent Saturday night up there in uncomfortable conditions, but she should be coming home Monday.
I noticed my door was closed and went to open it. I heard a voice telling me not to come in, but I did and this is what I found.
Nana was put in the hospital Saturday, which has us all worried. Dad spent Saturday night up there in uncomfortable conditions, but she should be coming home Monday.
Sunday, July 12, 2009
Sicken Sunday
Scott has the cold I had at the beginning of the week. Instead of just being inconvenient and tiring, like it was for me, he's incapacitated. G was going around this morning with a paper towel roll as a microphone making up songs about Daddy's sniffles and snot rags. Hilarious. We went to Walmart and the grocery store for party supplies. All we're missing now are sno-cone cups and Madagascar stuff for the cake. I'm going to start making that in a few days. Scott and I cleaned out our room, which made the day super productive - and dusty.
Saturday, July 11, 2009
Family reunion
Saturday we had a family reunion at Mary's house. Family like extended family I hadn't seen in several years. We used to all travel to Arkansas during the summers to gather together, but we haven't done that since my great grandmother was too ill to go.
I can't sleep. I think I'm going to take some ibuprophen and try to go to bed. I have a lot to do this week to get ready for G's party. Bake a cake, shop for food; wrap presents, etc. Her party is Sunday afternoon and Monday evening we're hosting our ladies' meeting, which means we prepare a meal and do the devotion. Since I was delegate to the convention, I'll be the program as well. And my house is a mess. I need to keep up with it better. It gets out of hand and I get bursts of needing-to-do-something-about-it-ness, but they don't last nearly long enough.
I did finally realize that no overtime = no money, so we won't be going to San Antonio this year. I'm disappointed. I had a great trip planned. Maybe in a few years.
This week II
Again, nothing much special went on this week. Gracie continues to not be potty trained, though she goes sometimes. We had lunch with mom and Mimi on Tuesday, then went to watch the Chipmunks movie at the library. That was a pretty good day. Wednesday we went to see Chicken Dog at the library. Scott went with us. Gracie met a friend and they switched babies to play with. The other girl wanted to take home green baby because it matched her shirt. Chicken Dog was a good little variety show with dogs. Thursday Scott took her to the library show and let me stay home. I did some laundry and some sewing - kind of hung out. I had a cold during the first part of the week so I wasn't feeling too well. Scott has it now and he's not feeling well now. Gracie spent Thursday night with Maw-maw and paw-paw and I got her back on Friday. I went to an old friend's garage sale on my way there and got some casual pants, books and my bribe - some kids sized bracelets.
Tuesday Nalini Singh's new book - Branded by Fire - came out and I read it in one day. It was good - a good continuation of the series. I have a whole stack of books to read, but I can't settle myself down enough to read them.
Tuesday Nalini Singh's new book - Branded by Fire - came out and I read it in one day. It was good - a good continuation of the series. I have a whole stack of books to read, but I can't settle myself down enough to read them.
Sunday, July 5, 2009
This week
There hasn't been much going on this week. Gracie and her mid life crisis. She wants to be a tiny baby. She is trying to get us to put her in old clothes and put her baby bed back up. She promised she would be a big girl in July. Her deadline is here. She's excited about her Madagascar birthday party. We've been swimming at Mom and Dad's, seen Amanda and Hillary. She's spent one night with Mom. Otherwise it's been Gracie and me. All the time. All mommy all the time.
Saturday and Sunday at the convention were fun. We ate at a great place for lunch Saturday, the Rock Bottom Brewery. They had great beer samples. Of course, I enjoyed the dark ones the best. But they were all good. Obviously. 

I also got a chance to take pictures with some of my mentor ladies who were there. Not all of them were there, and these aren't all of them that were there, but here are some people who have made a difference in how I walk.

The trip back was very smooth and I got home and in bed about 4:00 a.m. Monday morning. Both Scott and Gracie were happy to see me, and I them.
I also got a chance to take pictures with some of my mentor ladies who were there. Not all of them were there, and these aren't all of them that were there, but here are some people who have made a difference in how I walk.
The trip back was very smooth and I got home and in bed about 4:00 a.m. Monday morning. Both Scott and Gracie were happy to see me, and I them.
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
Friday in Portland was the official start of the convention. We had business and speakers, etc. I got up early with Nancy and Laurenda to go to a Bible study put on by Concordia, really to promote their new Bible study book, but the girl was really good and the study was uplifting.
Friday during lunch there were small interest sessions. I went to the financial one from Thrivent. It was good. Spend less, save more type of stuff.
We went to Stanford's for dinner, which was a short walk. We were aiming for the mall food court, but this was right there and we'd heard good things. I had a lavendar martini, which was delicious, and a chicken club sandwich. Kelly and I skipped the evening's entertainment, but met up with people at Denny's for dessert, yummy carmel apple cobbler.
In Portland 6-25
Portland is 2 hours behind hometime, which was good and bad. The illusion of sleeping late was nice after the illusion of not staying up until really late. Thursday my peeps went on a day-long tour.
I couldn't go because of my delegate duties, but I had most of the day to myself. I rode the maxrail downtown to the Made in Oregon store. I bought some souvenirs there, then went walking around. .JPG)

But I didn't walk around a lot. Portland is a great town, but it isn't good, even during the day, to walk around alone. Of course, there really wasn't that much I needed to see. I went by Finnegan's, a toy store, then walked down to Pioneer Courthouse Square, called Portland's sitting room. They have concerts there. It's a neat place..JPG)
I had my PB sandwich and chips sitting on the square, watching the people.
The best part about having that almost whole day to myself was that I got to see the exhibit hall at my leisure. I got to rummage through Concordia's wares, make the neat beaded cross at one station and just see what I could see. I was lucky; my friends who had to go later didn't have time to see everything because there were so many people and the exhibits didn't stay open very long, considering.
We had delegate orientation to learn how to use the voting machines and I'm always amazed at what people thing is important enough to be addressed at the last minute. Stupid stuff. At the actual voting, one woman actually stood at a microphone and wanted to separate out the mission grants into US and foreign. Like it didn't take months and months to get it all set up the way it was. Crazy.
We had our District caucus, which was everyone from Texas who was there. Fun to see everyone. We had dinner at Muchas Gracias, a Mexican place Laurenda found online. It was a good walk, but delicious. We got some tortillas to go for breakfast with the apple butter I got at Made in Oregon.
The worship service was that night and it was really good. It's great to worship and be a part of such a huge body of (mostly) women of faith. The proclaimer was good. There is a mission to the Makah Indiand of Neah Bay in that District and there were some drummers and dancers that participated in the worship. It was very nice. The vicar there who is about to be ordained spoke on Sunday and he said they have increased their male membership by 50%, which is astounding in any church. Another speaker had put some statistics that when a father takes a child alone to church, that child is 50% more likely to remain in church, but with mothers alone, it's only 15%. 2 Parents bringing as a family is 72%, which isn't surprising, but adding in a father ups the ante quite a bit. And our churches are losing men. There aren't enough pastors or men to be elders, but still most representation is male. President Kieschnick told the group he wanted 50% of the delegates to the District Synodical conventions to be women. I think women could if they wanted to, but who would want to? The LWML conventions are much more civil, from what I've heard.
After the worship, we went to Red Robin for drinks and more fellowship. Then we trudged back to our motel to crash.
Portland is 2 hours behind hometime, which was good and bad. The illusion of sleeping late was nice after the illusion of not staying up until really late. Thursday my peeps went on a day-long tour.
But I didn't walk around a lot. Portland is a great town, but it isn't good, even during the day, to walk around alone. Of course, there really wasn't that much I needed to see. I went by Finnegan's, a toy store, then walked down to Pioneer Courthouse Square, called Portland's sitting room. They have concerts there. It's a neat place.
The best part about having that almost whole day to myself was that I got to see the exhibit hall at my leisure. I got to rummage through Concordia's wares, make the neat beaded cross at one station and just see what I could see. I was lucky; my friends who had to go later didn't have time to see everything because there were so many people and the exhibits didn't stay open very long, considering.
We had delegate orientation to learn how to use the voting machines and I'm always amazed at what people thing is important enough to be addressed at the last minute. Stupid stuff. At the actual voting, one woman actually stood at a microphone and wanted to separate out the mission grants into US and foreign. Like it didn't take months and months to get it all set up the way it was. Crazy.
We had our District caucus, which was everyone from Texas who was there. Fun to see everyone. We had dinner at Muchas Gracias, a Mexican place Laurenda found online. It was a good walk, but delicious. We got some tortillas to go for breakfast with the apple butter I got at Made in Oregon.
The worship service was that night and it was really good. It's great to worship and be a part of such a huge body of (mostly) women of faith. The proclaimer was good. There is a mission to the Makah Indiand of Neah Bay in that District and there were some drummers and dancers that participated in the worship. It was very nice. The vicar there who is about to be ordained spoke on Sunday and he said they have increased their male membership by 50%, which is astounding in any church. Another speaker had put some statistics that when a father takes a child alone to church, that child is 50% more likely to remain in church, but with mothers alone, it's only 15%. 2 Parents bringing as a family is 72%, which isn't surprising, but adding in a father ups the ante quite a bit. And our churches are losing men. There aren't enough pastors or men to be elders, but still most representation is male. President Kieschnick told the group he wanted 50% of the delegates to the District Synodical conventions to be women. I think women could if they wanted to, but who would want to? The LWML conventions are much more civil, from what I've heard.
After the worship, we went to Red Robin for drinks and more fellowship. Then we trudged back to our motel to crash.
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